Pelletstown / St. Patrick’s

This is a home where research is still being conducted as more records become available. Updates will be delivered through our social channels here.


Ahearne, John Joseph
Alcock, Michael
Allen, Dolores
Allen, Frances
Allen, Mark John
Allen, Paul
Anderson, Margaret
Anderson, Rosanna
Andrews, John Michael
Andrews, Margaret
Anguir, Mary Joseph
Armstrong, Kate
Armstrong, Mary Margaret
Armstrong, Thomas
Arnold, Mary
Arran, Joseph
Arran, Patrick
Arthur, John
Atley, Mary
Attley, Esther Mary
Austin, Mary


Badenell, Joseph
Bagnall, John
Bailey, Christina
Bailey, Mary
Baker, Kathleen
Baker, Richard
Balfe, Eamonn
Ballaby, Matthew Joseph Dennis
Barlow, Michael
Barnett, Margaret
Barrett, Angela
Barrett, Brigid
Barrett, John
Barrett, William
Barry, Anthony
Barry, Bridget
Barry, John
Barry, Maurice
Barry, Patrick
Bartley, Jacqueline
Bates, Josephine
Beale, James
Beale, Patrick
Beatty, George Edward
Begley, Christina
Behan, Daniel
Behan, John
Behan, Mary Dolores
Behan, Michael
Behan, Nora
Behan, Richard
Bell, Francis
Bell, Gladys
Bell, Mary
Bell, Patrick Joseph
Bell, Teresa
Bell, Stephen
Belle, Michael Joseph
Bendon, Patricia
Bennett, Esther
Bennett, Rose
Bennett, Thomas
Benson, John
Bergin, Henry
Berry, James
Bewley, Joseph
Bigg, William
Biggs, Maureen
Blong, Mary Teresa
Blundell, Patrick
Blyth, Lionel
Boland, Alice
Bole, Frances
Bolger, Kate
Bolger, Margaret
Bolger, Mary J.
Bolger, Patricia
Bolger, William
Bolton, Joseph
Bolton, Rosemary
Booth, Martin Charles
Boothman, Declan
Boshell, Thomas
Boucher, Harry
Bough, Maureen
Boyce, Mary
Boyd, John
Boyd, William
Boylan, Bridget
Boylan, Gerald
Boylan, Mary
Boylan, Mary T.
Boyle, James
Boyle, John
Boyle, Kathleen
Boyle, Kevin
Boyle, Patrick
Boyle, Peter John Bosco
Boyne, John
Bracken, Michael Patrick
Bracken, Rose
Braden, Patrick Joseph
Brady, Bernadette
Brady, Carmel
Brady, Elizabeth
Brady, James
Brady, John
Brady, Kathleen
Brady, Kathleen
Brady, Margaret
Brady, Mary
Brady, Patrick
Branagan, Philomena
Brangan, Mary Teresa
Branigan, James
Brazil, Noel Mary
Brazil, Patrick
Brennan, Bridget
Brennan, Edward
Brennan, Helen
Brennan, James
Brennan, Joseph
Brennan, Joseph Patrick
Brennan, Josephine
Brennan, Mary
Brennan, Patricia
Brennan, Patrick
Brennan, Patrick Joseph
Brennan, Robert
Brennan, Teresa
Brennan, Thomas
Breslin, Mary
Breslin, Sarah
Brett, Mary
Brett, Patrick Joseph
Brien, Mary
Brocken, Margaret
Brogan, Patrick Joseph
Brophy, Josephine
Brophy, Mary
Brophy, Mary
Brown, Alice
Brown, Annie
Brown, Henry Joseph
Brown, John
Brown, John Joseph
Brown, Peter
Brown, Rita Patricia
Brown, Rose
Bryans, Judith Mary
Buckley, Garry
Buckley, Kathleen
Bulmer, Philomena
Bulmer, Philomena
Bulmer, Rita
Burgess, Joseph
Burgess, Margaret Mary
Burgess, Neall
Burke, Aiden
Burke, Bridget
Burke, Christopher
Burke, George
Burke, James
Burke, John
Burke, John Joseph
Burke, Kevin Donald
Burke, Leo
Burke, Margaret
Burke, Mary
Burke, Mary
Burke, Mary
Burke, Mary
Burke, Mary Teresa
Burke, May E.
Burke, Noel
Burke, Patrick
Burke, Richard Maurice
Burnett, Mary
Burns, John Patrick
Burrows, George
Bush, James
Butler, Anne
Butler, Michael
Butler, Noel Valentine
Butler, Patrick
Byrne, Agnes
Byrne, Alice
Byrne, Annie
Byrne, Annie
Byrne, Bridget
Byrne, Charles
Byrne, Christina
Byrne, Christopher
Byrne, Daniel
Byrne, Daniel
Byrne, Dermott
Byrne, Elizabeth
Byrne, Ellen
Byrne, Ellen
Byrne, Hugh
Byrne, James
Byrne, James
Byrne, James
Byrne, James Albert
Byrne, Johanna
Byrne, John
Byrne, John
Byrne, John
Byrne, John
Byrne, John Christopher
Byrne, Joseph
Byrne, Joseph
Byrne, Joseph
Byrne, Joseph
Byrne, Joseph
Byrne, Josephine
Byrne, Kathleen
Byrne, Margaret
Byrne, Margaret
Byrne, Margaret
Byrne, Margaret
Byrne, Mary
Byrne, Mary
Byrne, Mary
Byrne, Mary
Byrne, Mary
Byrne, Mary Claire
Byrne, Mary T.
Byrne, Mary Teresa
Byrne, May Esther
Byrne, Michael
Byrne, Michael John
Byrne, Owen
Byrne, Patricia
Byrne, Patrick
Byrne, Patrick
Byrne, Patrick
Byrne, Patrick
Byrne, Patrick Joseph
Byrne, Peter
Byrne, Theresa Mary


Cadden, Patrick
Cadwell, Thomas
Caffrey, Louisa
Cahill, James
Cahill, Joan
Cahill, John
Cahill, Josephine
Cahill, Mary
Cahill, Mary
Cahill, Rita
Cairo, John
Calder, Andrew
Callaghan, Ita
Callaghan, Margaret
Callaghan, Mary Teresa
Callaghan, Thomas
Callen, Gerard
Callery, Catherine
Callery, John Francis
Callery, Patrick
Callery, Thomas
Calley, Margaret
Callinan, Louis
Cambar, Patrick Joseph
Campbell, Anne
Campbell, Anne Marie
Campbell, Derek Noel
Campbell, John
Campbell, Mary
Campbell, Thomas
Campion, George
Campion, John
Caney, Mona
Canham, Columbus
Canny, Christopher
Cantwell, Catherine
Carey, Joseph
Carey, Patrick
Carmichael, Kevin
Carolan, Kathleen
Carr, Ellen
Carr, Imelda
Carrick, Noel
Carrol, Johanna
Carroll, Ann Marie
Carroll, Edward
Carroll, Frances
Carroll, Jane
Carroll, John
Carroll, Margaret Rose
Carroll, Mary
Carroll, Mary Pauline
Carroll, Patrick
Carroll, William
Carry, John
Carter, Christopher
Carter, Teresa
Carton, John
Carton, Thomas
Casey, Bridget
Casey, Francis J.
Casey, Maeve
Cashel, Patrick
Cassidy, John
Cassidy, Josephine
Cassidy, Patrick
Caul, Monica Mary
Caulfield, Rita
Chambers, James
Cheevers, Elizabeth
Cheevers, Winifred
Cherry, Veronica H.
Cherubine, Eileen
Chester, Margaret
Christie, Mary
Church, Mary Philomena
Claffey, John
Clancy, Desmond
Clancy, Hugh
Clancy, John
Clancy, Margaret
Clarendon, Patrick
Clarke, Colette
Clarke, Kathleen
Clarke, Martha
Clarke, Mary
Clarke, Mary Agatha
Clarke, Teresa
Clarke, Teresa Mary
Clarkin, Mary Teresa
Clavain, Francis
Clear, Joseph
Cleary, Charles
Cleary, Kathleen
Cleary, Mary
Cleary, Nellie
Cleeveley, Annie
Clifford, John
Cloney, Angela
Coady, Michael
Coburn, Paul Joseph
Coen, William Thomas
Coghlan, Anthony Vincent
Coghlan, James
Coleman, Gerald
Coleman, James
Coleman, John
Coleman, Peter
Coleman, Robert
Colgan, Monica
Collins, Bridget
Collins, Eleanor
Collins, John
Collins, Julia
Collins, Margaret
Collins, Mary
Collins, Mary
Collins, Patrick
Collins, Patrick Joseph
Collins, William
Comer, Michael Anthony
Comerford, Anne
Conaby, Kevin
Condron, John
Condron, Patricia
Confrey, Anthony
Conlan, Christopher
Conlan, Eileen
Conlan, Michael
Conlon, Eileen
Conlon, Pamela
Connarton, Joseph
Connaughton, Elizabeth
Connell, Kathleen
Connell, Kathleen
Connell, Mary
Connell, Michael
Conners, James
Connolly, Brian Patrick
Connolly, Bridget
Connolly, Catherine Mary
Connolly, Elizabeth
Connolly, John
Connolly, Joseph
Connolly, Margaret
Connolly, Mary Frances
Connolly, Patrick
Connolly, Patrick
Connolly, Patrick Joseph
Connor, Gerard
Connor, Henry William
Connor, Mary
Connor, Patrick
Connor, Philomena
Connor, Rose Anne
Conroy, Annie
Conroy, Kevin
Conway, Margaret Mary
Conway, Mary Josephine
Conyard, Paul
Coogan, Esther
Coogan, Joseph
Coogan, Patrick
Cooney, Joan Veronica
Corbett, James
Corboy, Mary Josephine
Corcoran, Kathleen
Corcoran, James
Corcoran, James
Corkish, John Paul
Corrigan, Anthony Joseph
Corrigan, Laurence
Cosgrove, Francis
Costello, Alicia Mary
Costello, Bernard
Costello, Dermod Francis
Costello, Dolores
Costello, Mary
Costello, Michael
Costigan, Gerard
Courteney, Martina
Courtney, Brendan
Courtney, James
Courtney, Mary Teresa
Courtney, Patrick
Cowley, Catherine
Cowley, Catherine
Coyne, Michael Gerard
Coyne, Patrick
Cradden, Elaine
Cranny, Bernadette
Craven, Esther Louise
Creamer, Margaret Mary
Creamer, William
Creegan, Bridget
Cremin, Daniel
Crimmons, Joseph
Crinion, Ethna
Crinnion, Mary
Critchley, William
Crone, John
Cronin, John Patrick
Crosby, Kathleen
Crossan, Patrick Joseph
Crowe, Marie Teresa
Crowley, Martin
Crowlock, Mary
Cullen, Anthony
Cullen, James
Cullen, Johanna
Cullen, Jonathan
Cullen, Mary
Cullen, Mary Nuala
Cullen, Patricia Mary
Culligan, Annie
Cumiskey, Doreen
Cummins, Ernest
Cummins, Mary
Cummins, Patrick
Cunniffe, Mary
Cunningham, Christina
Cunningham, James
Cunningham, Mary
Cunningham, Mary
Curran, Anthony
Curran, Bernard
Curran, John Joseph
Curran, John Thomas
Curran, Winifred Pauline
Curry, Brendan
Curry, John
Curtis, Elizabeth
Curtis, Mary
Curtis, Monica
Curtis, Rosaline
Cusack, Josephine
Cusack, Patrick


D’Arcy, John
Dacres, John
Dalton, Bridget
Dalton, Joseph
Dalton, Kathleen
Dalton, Mary Victoria
Dalton, Patrick
Daly, Angela
Daly, Bernadette
Daly, Christopher
Daly, Christopher
Daly, Cynthia Teresa
Daly, Jane
Daly, Joseph
Daly, Margaret
Daly, Margaret May
Daly, Mary
Daly, Mary Ursula
Daly, Patricia
Daly, Patricia Ruth
Daly, Patrick
Daly, Patrick Joseph
Daly, Patrick Joseph
Daly, Sylvester Francis
Daly, William
Darby, Thomas Joseph
Darcy, William
Dardis, Maureen
Dargan, Teresa
Darlington, Dora
Davis, Mary
Davis, Nora
Dawson, Gabrielle Frances
Dawson, Patrick
Dawson, Susan Mary
Deane, Gabriel
Deane, Mary Teresa
Deasy, John
Deevey, Nicholas
Delacy, Patrick James
Delahunty, Anne
Delaney, John Joseph
Delaney, Martin Joseph
Delaney, Olive Margaret
Dempsey, Annie
Dempsey, Annie Teresa
Dempsey, Declan Thomas
Dempsey, James
Dempsey, Mary E.
Dempsey, Patrick
Dempsey, Stephen
Denham, Joan
Dennin, Michael
Dennison, Richard
Derwin, Catherine Brigid
Deveney, Mary Teresa
Devine, George Patrick
Devlin, Joseph
Devoy, Frances Mary
Dickinson, Vincent
Dignam, Kathleen Patricia
Dignam, Mary
Dillon, Bernadette Mary
Dillon, Mary Frances
Dillon, Mary Madeline
Dillon, Patrick
Dillon, Thomas
Dineen, James
Dixon, Kathleen
Dixon, Michael
Doherty, Annie
Doherty, Margaret
Doherty, Mary Patricia
Doherty, Patrick Joseph
Doherty, Peter
Dolan, Christopher
Dolan, Martin John
Dolan, Mary Angela
Dolan, Mary Kate
Donaldson, Sarah
Donegan, Christopher Michael
Donegan, Ernest Joseph
Donegan, Francis B.
Donegan, Gerard
Donegan, James Anthony
Donegan, Margaret
Donelan, Joseph
Donlon, David
Donnellan, Mary Ellen
Donnelly, Francis Joseph
Donnelly, Kathleen
Donnelly, Kathleen
Donnelly, Leo
Donnelly, Mary
Donnelly, Patrick
Donnelly, Patrick
Donoghue, Catherine
Donoghue, Leslie William
Donoghue, Patrick
Donohoe, Anthony
Donohoe, Michael
Donohoe, Philip
Donovan, Bridget
Donovan, Daniel
Donovan, John
Donovan, Mary
Donovan, Rosaline
Doody, Charles
Doolan, Christopher
Dooley, Celine M.
Dooley, Henry
Dooley, Mary
Doolin, Annie
Doonan, Mary
Doorhy, Denis
Doran, Clare
Doran, Dermot
Doran, James
Doran, John
Doran, Mary
Doran, Michael Anthony
Douglas, Brian
Douglas, Kenneth Daniel
Douglas, Mary Ann
Dowd, Marie
Dowd, Mary
Dowd, Patrick
Dowd, Thomas
Dowling, Anne Marie
Dowling, Christopher
Dowling, Elizabeth
Dowling, Elizabeth
Dowling, John
Dowling, Patricia
Downey, Assumpta Mary
Downey, Bridget
Downey, Ellen
Doyle, Andrew
Doyle, Anthony
Doyle, Christopher
Doyle, Damian
Doyle, Elizabeth Mary
Doyle, Esther
Doyle, Gabrielle
Doyle, Gabrielle
Doyle, George
Doyle, George Henry
Doyle, Jane
Doyle, John
Doyle, John
Doyle, John
Doyle, John Berchman
Doyle, John David
Doyle, Joseph
Doyle, Joseph
Doyle, Loretta
Doyle, Margaret
Doyle, Margaret
Doyle, Maria
Doyle, Mary
Doyle, Mary
Doyle, Mary
Doyle, Mary
Doyle, Matthew
Doyle, Michael J.
Doyle, Norah
Doyle, Ronald
Doyle, Thomas
Drea, Patrick
Drea, Patrick
Driscoll, Annie
Dry, Anne
Dudley, John
Duff, Bernard
Duffy, Agnes
Duffy, Gerard Desmond
Duffy, Joseph
Duffy, Margaret
Duffy, Margaret
Duffy, Mary
Duffy, Mary
Duffy, Mary Anne
Duffy, Teresa
Duggan, Mary
Duggan, Maureen
Duignan, Patrick
Dunbar, Patrick
Dunne, Angela Johanna
Dunne, Edward
Dunne, James
Dunne, John
Dunne, John Joseph
Dunne, Martin
Dunne, Mary
Dunne, Mary Catherine
Dunne, Michael
Dunne, Michael Joseph
Dunne, Michael Joseph
Dunne, Norah
Dunne, Patrick
Dunne, Patrick Joseph
Durnon, Marie T.
Dwyer, Mary
Dwyer, Mary T.
Dycher, Mary Teresa


Earle, Mary Teresa
Early, Mary Josephine
Early, Patrick
Eccles, Kevin
Edwards, Ferdinand C.
Edwards, Henry
Edwards, Joseph
Edwards, Joseph
Egan, Margaret Rose
Egan, Mary
Egan, Joseph
Egan, Joseph Barry
Egan, Margaret Rose
Egliston, Elizabeth
Elliot, Stephen
Elliott, Eamon
Ellis, Colm
Ellis, Theckla
Ellis, William Joseph
Emery, Edward August
Ennis, Catherine
Ennis, Christina
Ennis, Mary                                                                 
Ennis, Mary Teresa
Ennis, Patrick
Enwright, Michael Matthew
Errity, Mary
Esmonde, Christopher Paul
Evans, Anthony
Evans, Patrick
Ewes, Mary


Faber, Otto Pearse
Fadden, Michael J.
Fagan, James
Fagan, John
Fagan, Kathleen
Fagan, Mary R.
Fahy, James
Fahy, Mary Teresa
Fahy, Maureen
Fair, Margaret
Fallon, Gabriel
Fallon, Patrick Vincent
Fallon, Raymond
Farrell, Agnes
Farrell, Elizabeth
Farrell, Gerald
Farrell, John
Farrell, Joseph
Farrell, Kathleen Mary
Farrell, Lawrence
Farrell, Lawrence Joseph
Farrell, Mary
Farrell, Mary
Farrell, Mary
Farrell, Mary Anne
Farrell, Mary F.
Farrell, Philip
Farrell, Ruth
Farrell, Sylvester
Farrell, Teresa
Farrelly, David
Farrelly, Mary
Farrelly, Patrick
Fay, Clare
Fay, Margaret
Fay, Mary
Fedigan, Monica
Feely, David
Feeney, James
Feeney, Mary Bridget
Fell, Patrick
Fennell, Mary
Fergus, Mary
Ferguson, Kathleen
Field, Bridget
Finegan, Patrick Joseph
Fingleton, Mary
Finnegan, James
Finnegan, Mary
Finnegan, Patrick
Finnegan, Soyna
Finnerty, Mary
Fitzgerald, Anne
Fitzgerald, Brendan
Fitzgerald, Christopher
Fitzgerald, Denis
Fitzgerald, Gerald
Fitzgerald, John
Fitzgerald, Joseph
Fitzgerald, Maggie
Fitzgerald, Margaret
Fitzgerald, Mary
Fitzgerald, Paul
Fitzgerald, Timothy
Fitzgerald, Veronica
Fitzgerald, Yvonne
Fitzpatrick, Bridget
Fitzpatrick, Christina
Fitzpatrick, Eileen Philomena
Fitzpatrick, Joseph
Fitzpatrick, June Mary
Fitzpatrick, Margaret
Fitzpatrick, Margaret
Fitzpatrick, Mary Teresa
Fitzpatrick, Thomas
Fitzsimmons, Christopher
Flaherty, Anne
Flaherty, Anthony Joseph
Flaherty, Charles
Flaherty, Dolores
Flaherty, Frederick
Flaherty, John
Flaherty, Joseph
Flaherty, Josephine
Flaherty, Mary
Flaherty, Teresa
Flanagan, Brendan
Flanagan, Christopher
Flanagan, Kathleen
Flanagan, Laurence
Flanagan, Mary
Flanagan, Mary
Flanagan, Mary Teresa
Flanagan, William
Flannery, Margaret
Flavin, Philomena
Fleming, Christopher
Fleming, Edward
Fleming, George
Fleming, Joseph
Fleming, Mary
Fleming, Michael
Flood, James
Flood, Mary
Flood, Mary
Flood, Mary Josephine Brigid
Flood, Thomas
Flood, Violet
Flynn, Annie
Flynn, Helena Marie
Flynn, John Christopher
Flynn, Mary
Flynn, Mary
Flynn, Mary Teresa
Flynn, Mary Teresa
Flynn, Patrick J.
Fogarty, Fanny
Fogarty, Martina
Foley, Bernadette
Foley, Edward
Foley, Joseph
Foley, Joseph
Foley, Patrick J.
Foran, Annie
Foran, Christina
Foran, Muriel
Forde, Annie
Forde, Eva
Forde, Vincent
Forrester, William
Fortune, Bridget
Foster, Joseph
Fox, Christopher Joseph
Fox, George Paul
Fox, Joseph
Fox, Mary
Foy, Philomena
Foy, Richard
Freighe, Mary Teresa
Furlong, Nicholas
Furlong, William


Gaffney, James
Gaffney, Kate
Gaffney, Teresa
Gahan, James
Gain, John
Gallagher, Anne
Gallagher, Annie Rosalina
Gallagher, Bridget Anne
Gallagher, Francis Joseph
Gallagher, Hugh
Gallagher, John
Gallagher, Joseph Mary
Gallagher, Margaret
Gallagher, Moira
Gallagher, Patrick
Gallagher, Patrick
Gallagher, William
Galligan, Lisa
Galvin, Francis
Gambon, Henry
Gambon, John
Gargan, Joseph
Gargan, Patrick
Garland, Mary Teresa
Garry, Mary
Garvey, Mary
Garvey, Patrick
Garville, Patrick
Gaughran, Aloysius
Gaynor, Margaret Mary
Geoghan, Mary
Geraghty, Patrick
Gibbon, John
Gibbs, Francis
Gibney, John Francis
Gibson, Ida
Gilbert, John
Gilbert, Patrick
Gildea, Mary
Giles, John
Gill, Christopher Michael
Gill, Mary Patricia
Gillick, Bernard
Gilligan, Brigid Josephine
Gilligan, Dominick
Gilmartin, Thomas
Ginnety, Joseph
Glaccum, Patrick
Glacken, Christopher
Glennon, Clare
Glennon, Eileen
Glennon, Mary Elizabeth
Godwin, Joseph
Golden, Elizabeth Eileen
Golden, Margaret
Golden, Margaret Angela
Goodwin, John
Gooley, Margaret Mary
Goonerry, Desmond
Gorey, Maurice
Gorman, Elizabeth
Gorman, James
Gorman, John
Gorman, John
Gorman, Mary
Gorman, Mary Ellen
Gorman, Roger
Gorry, Mary
Goucher, Mary
Goulding, Bridget
Goulding, Christopher
Goulding, Joseph
Goulding, Julia
Goulding, Rose
Govan, Jane Bernadette
Governey, Evelyn
Graham, Patrick
Grainger, Anthony
Granville, Bridget
Gray, Kathleen
Gray, Patrick Edward
Greaney, James Patrick
Greaney, William Joseph
Green, Agnes
Green, Colym
Green, Mary
Green, Mary Teresa
Green, Patrick
Green, William
Greene, Michael
Greene, Patrick
Greene, Patrick
Greene, Patrick
Grehan, Alice
Grehan, Mary
Grennan, John
Grey, Bridget Mary
Griffin, Bernadette
Griffin, Christina
Griffin, Margaret
Griffin, Maureen
Grimes, Mary J.
Grimes, Patricia
Grogan, Bridget
Grogan, Peter
Gross, Christopher
Guinelly, Eileen
Guiry, Nora


Hade, John
Halloran, Mary
Halpin, Kathleen
Halpin, Mary
Halpin, Mary
Halpin, William Joseph
Halvey, Mary
Hamilton, Paul David
Hand, Bernard
Hand, Carmel
Hand, James
Hand, John
Hand, Kathleen
Hand, Michael
Hanlon, Bernard Joseph
Hanlon, Catherine
Hanlon, David Desmond
Hanlon, Margaret
Hannon, Anne
Hannon, Anthony
Hannon, Patrick
Hanrahan, Mary
Harding, Alice
Harding, Kathleen
Harding, Margaret
Harding, Peter
Harding, Veronica
Hargrave, Patricia
Hargrove, Mary Elizabeth
Harmon, John
Harold, Desmund
Harrington, Anthony
Harrington, Emily
Harrington, Kevin
Harris, Patrick Joseph
Harrison, Carl Martin
Harrison, John
Hart, Bridget
Hart, Catherine
Hart, Thomas
Hartigan, Annie
Harvey, Francis
Haughey, Charles
Haughton, Brendan
Hayde, Mary Christina
Hayden, Catherine
Hayden, Frederick
Hayden, John Patrick
Hayden, Joseph
Hayden, Patrick
Hayden, Thomas
Hayes, Doris
Hayes, Eva
Hayes, Stephen Joseph
Healy, John
Healy, Noel
Healy, Robert
Healy, Winifred Mary
Heaphy, William
Hearne, Patrick
Heary, Annie
Heffernan, Denis
Heffernan, John
Heffernan, Michael
Hegarty, Kevin
Hempenstall, Christopher
Henderson, James
Henderson, Mary
Hendrick, Mary
Hepworth, Denis
Hepworth, Joseph
Herbert, James
Herbert, Thomas
Hetherton, William
Hickey, Gerard
Hickey, Kathleen
Hickey, Mary
Hickey, Michael
Hickey, Richard Anthony
Hickey, Thomas
Higgins, Luke Vincent
Hill, Catherine M.
Hill, Philomena
Hilliard, Ann Marie
Hodgins, Michael Joseph
Hodgins, William
Hodgkins, Vincent
Hoey, Mary Patricia
Hoey, Michael
Hogan, Anne
Hogan, Eileen
Hogan, Ita Mary
Hogan, John Aloysius
Holahan, Paul
Holden, Michael Joseph
Holmes, Mary Bridget
Holohan, Maureen
Holt, Samuel
Hooper, George
Hopkins, James
Horan, Anthony
Horan, Christopher
Horan, Joseph
Horan, Mary
Horan, Michael
Horkin, Bridget
Hosback, Michael
Hough, Linda Mary
Houlihan, Bridget
Houlihan, Frances Carmel
Houlihan, Kate
Houlihan, Michael
Howard, Edward
Howard, Mary Carmel
Hughes, Ann Marie
Hughes, Bridget
Hughes, Carol M.
Hughes, Cecil
Hughes, Edward
Hughes, Kathleen
Hughes, Peter
Hughes, Sarah
Hunt, Annie
Hunt, James Joseph
Hunt, Joseph
Hurley, Martina Maria
Hyland, Anne M.
Hyland, Loraine
Hyland, William
Hynes, Carmel
Hynes, Michael


Igoe, Winifred
Ireland, Mary
Irwin, Joseph
Ivers, Noel Francis


James, Michael
Jackson, Helen Teresa
Jenkins, Ellen
Jenkinson, Geraldine
Jenkinson, Mary
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Edward Patrick
Jones, James
Jones, James John
Jones, Sandra Karen
Jordan, Mary
Jordan, Mary Dolores
Joyce, Adrian
Joyce, John
Joyce, John Joseph
Joyce, Patrick Joseph
Joyce, Stanislaus
Judge, William Francis


Kaid, Rose Mary
Kane, Bridget
Kane, Florence
Kane, John Edward
Kane, Joseph
Kane, Patrick Vincent
Kane, Peter
Kane, Thomas
Kavanagh, Edward
Kavanagh, Gerald A.
Kavanagh, Kathleen
Kavanagh, Margaret
Kavanagh, Mary
Kavanagh, Mary
Kavanagh, Mary
Kavanagh, Mary Anne
Kavanagh, Mary Bridget
Kavanagh, Michael Carmelius
Kavanagh, Nora
Kavanagh, Patrick William
Kavanagh, Rita Mary
Kavanagh, Thomas
Kavanagh, Thomas
Keady, Margaret Mary
Kealty, Margaret
Keane, Gabrielle
Keane, Gerald
Keane, Mary Patricia
Kearney, Agnes
Kearney, Elizabeth
Kearney, Patrick
Kearns, Celine Margaret
Kearns, Christopher
Kearns, Michael Joseph
Keating, Catherine Marie
Keating, James
Keating, Mary
Keating, Mary Gabrielle
Keating, Michael
Keegan, Aidan
Keegan, Bridget
Keegan, Finola
Keegan, James
Keegan, Mary
Keegan, Patrick Joseph
Keegan, William Joseph
Keegan, Winifred
Keely, Annie
Keely, Mary
Keely, Patrick
Keely, Patrick Joseph
Keenan, Edward Joseph
Keenan, John
Keenan, Joseph
Keenan, Mary
Kehoe, Mary Angela
Keirnan, Mary
Kelleher, Laura
Kelly, Alice
Kelly, Andrew John
Kelly, Annie
Kelly, Annie M.
Kelly, Anthony
Kelly, Brigid
Kelly, Christopher
Kelly, Dominick
Kelly, Edward
Kelly, Edward
Kelly, Esther
Kelly, Gertrude
Kelly, James Anthony
Kelly, John
Kelly, John
Kelly, John
Kelly, John
Kelly, John Gerard
Kelly, Joseph
Kelly, Joseph
Kelly, Joseph
Kelly, Kate
Kelly, Kathleen
Kelly, Kathleen
Kelly, Kathleen
Kelly, Kathleen
Kelly, Loretta
Kelly, Margaret Mary
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Mary Bridget
Kelly, Mary Teresa
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Michael Christopher
Kelly, Michael Francis
Kelly, Michael Sylvester
Kelly, Nicholas
Kelly, Noel
Kelly, Patricia
Kelly, Patrick
Kelly, Patrick
Kelly, Patrick
Kelly, Philomena
Kelly, Philomena
Kelly, Richard
Kenna, Francis Xavier
Kennedy, Annie
Kennedy, Annie Mary
Kennedy, Catherine
Kennedy, Charles John
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Eliza
Kennedy, Francis
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kennedy, Lucy
Kennedy, Patricia
Kennedy, Patrick
Kennedy, Patrick
Kennedy, Patrick John
Kennedy, Patrick Joseph
Kennedy, Stephen
Kennedy, Una
Kenny, Caroline Mary
Kenny, Eileen
Kenny, James Patrick
Kenny, John
Kenny, John
Kenny, Kathleen
Kenny, Kevin
Kenny, Mary
Kenny, Mary Frances
Kenny, Peter
Kenny, Terence
Kenny, Thomas
Keogh, Andrew
Keogh, Bernard
Keogh, Brendan
Keogh, Catherine Anne
Keogh, Dolores Mary
Keogh, John
Keogh, Margaret
Keogh, Mary
Keogh, Mary
Keogh, Michael
Keogh, Noel
Keogh, Nuala
Keogh, Patrick
Keogh, Philomena Mary
Keogh, Thomas
Kerr, Noel Christopher
Kerr, Patrick
Kerrigan, John
Kidney / Kidman, Ethel
Kiely, Thomas Joseph
Kiernan, Angela
Kiernan, Gerard
Kiernan, John Joseph
Kiernan, Mary
Kiernan, Patrick
Kiernan, William
Kilbride, John Paul
Kilduff, Bridget
Kilduff, Elizabeth
Kileen, Patrick
Killeen, Bridget
Killeen, John
Kilpatrick, Nellie
Kilroy, John Michael
King, Ann Teresa
King, Bridget
King, John
King, John
King, Mairie
King, Mary
King, Mary Elizabeth
King, Mary Ellen
King, Mary Teresa
King, Patrick
King, Peter Joseph
King, Thomas
King, Winifred
Kinsella, Anne
Kinsella, Eileen
Kinsella, Joseph
Kinsella, Margaret Rose
Kinsella, Mary Bridget
Kinsella, Shaun
Kinsella, William
Kirwan, Ellen
Kirwan, Mary


Lacey, Charles Robert
Lahiff, Francis
Lally, Anthony Edward
Lally, Mary
Lalor, Patrick
Lambe, Kenneth
Lambe, Stephen
Lambert, Agnes
Lane, Anthony
Lane, Bernard
Lane, Joseph
Lane, Mary
Lang, Mary
Lang, Mary F.
Largey, Patrick
Larkin, Francis
Larkin, Mary
Larkin, Mary Teresa
Larmon, Mary
Laurence, Joseph
Lawler, John
Lawless, Mary Teresa
Lawless, Patrick
Lawlor, Agnes
Lawlor, Elizabeth
Lawlor, Margaret
Lawlor, Marie Judith
Lawlor, Mary
Lawlor, Mary
Lawlor, Mary A.
Lawlor, Philomena
Lawlor, William
Lawn, Eileen
Leahy, Thomas
Leaper, Imelda
Leary, Christopher
Ledwith, Ethel
Ledwith, Gerard
Lee, Anthony
Lee, David
Lee, Elizabeth
Lee, Patrick
Lennon, Christopher
Lennon, John Patrick
Lennon, Margaret
Leonard, Dolores Catherine
Leonard, Eileen
Leslie, Audrey
Lett, Patrick
Leveston, Kathleen
Lewis, Carol M.
Leyden / Jessop, Mary
Liddy, Peter
Linehan, Patrick
Linnane, John
Liston, Patrick
Little, Joseph
Little, Teresa
Long, Joseph
Long, Mary
Long, Patrick Joseph
Long, Ronald
Long, Vincent
Looney, Patrick
Loughlann, Bridget
Loughlin, Kathleen
Loughlin, Teresa
Loughman, John
Love, Georgina
Lowndes, Philip Joseph
Lowry, Esther
Lumsden, Rose Eliza
Lyden, Mary
Lyme, Thomas
Lynch, Antony
Lynch, Bernadette
Lynch, Brenda
Lynch, Elizabeth
Lynch, Evelyn Frances
Lynch, John
Lynch, John
Lynch, John
Lynch, Joseph
Lynch, Josephine
Lynch, Marie Ellen
Lynch, Mary
Lynch, Mary
Lynch, Mary
Lynch, Mary
Lynch, Mary Teresa
Lynch, Patrick
Lynch, Patrick
Lynch, Patrick William
Lynch, Peter Joseph
Lynch, Thomas
Lyons, John Richard
Lyons, Kathleen
Lyons, Margaret Mary
Lyons, Mary
Lyons, Philomena


Mackasey, George
Macken, Bernadette Marie
Mackey, Laurence
Madden, Anthony
Madden, Dolores Agnes
Madden, Kieran
Madden, Mary Christina
Madden, Monica Catherine
Magrath, Christopher
Maguire, Christopher
Maguire, Deirdre Mary
Maguire, John Francis
Maguire, Mary
Maguire, Noel Anthony
Maguire, Patrick
Maguire, Robert John
Maguire, Sheila
Maguire, Teresa
Maher, Dora
Maher, Eileen Mary
Maher, Joseph
Maher, Lucy
Maher, Mary
Maher, Mary
Maher, Mary
Maher, Mary
Maher, Mary Brigid
Maher, Philomena
Maher, Thomas
Mahon, David Dustin
Mahon, Mary Cecelia
Mahon, Mary Elizabeth
Mahon, Patrick
Mahony, Mary
Malone, Elizabeth
Malone, Joseph
Malone, Mary Elizabeth
Malone, Pauline
Maloney, Frances
Mangan, Bernadette
Mangan, Josephine
Mangan, Thomas
Mann, Gertrude
Manning, Rose
Manning, Mary Teresa
Mannion, Francis
Mannion, Raymond
Mansfield, Kathleen
Mansfield, Mary B.
Markey, Mary
Marsden, James
Marshall, Andrew
Martin, Bridget Mary
Martin, Frederick
Martin, John
Martin, Madeline
Martin, Margaret Mary
Martin, Noel
Martin, Rose
Martin, Teresa
Martin, Thomas Patrick
Martyn, Teresa
Mason, Margaret Mary
Mason, Patrick
McAleen, Patrick Emanuel
McAleenan, John
McAleenan, Mary
McAllister, Bernadette
McAllister, Monica
McArdle, John Joseph
McAuley, Elizabeth
McAuley, John
McAuley, Kathleen
McAuley, Mary Collette
McAuley, Patrick Joseph
McAuley, Rosanne
McAuliffe, Patrick
McBride, Louis
McCabe, Gretta Margaret
McCabe, Patrick Joseph
McCabe, Thomas
McCann, Christina
McCann, Elizabeth
McCann, Kathleen
McCann, Kathleen
McCann, Patrick Thomas
McCarney, Brendan
McCarron, Alice
McCarten, Patrick Joseph
McCarthy, Dermot Christopher
McCarthy, Henry
McCarthy, James
McCarthy, James
McCase, Cornelius
McClem, Violet
McCormack, James
McCormack, Joseph
McCormack, Joseph
McCormack, Kathleen
McCormack, Margaret
McCormack, Mary
McCormick, Anne
McCormick, Richard Thomas
McCrane, Mollie
McCrea, Jean Margaret
McCudden, Annie Josephine
McCulloch, Josephine
McCullogh, Martin
McCullough, John
McDermott, Attracta
McDermott, Edward
McDermott, Honor A.
McDermott, John
McDermott, Kathleen Mary
McDermott, Martin
McDermott, Mary Patricia
McDermott, Mary Teresa
McDermott, Patricia
McDermott, Peter
McDonagh, Ellen Christina
McDonagh, Frances
McDonagh, James Anthony
McDonagh, Kathleen
McDonald, Carmel P.
McDonald, John Joseph
McDonald, Kathleen
McDonald, Noel
McDonnell, Anthony Francis
McDonnell, Brendan
McDonnell, Bridget
McDonnell, Kathleen
McDonnell, Mary
McDonnell, Patrick
McDonnell, Teresa
McDowell, Kevin
McElhenny, Mary
McElwee, Gerard
McEnroe, Mary F.
McEntee, Kathleen
McEvoy, Elizabeth
McEvoy, John
McEvoy, Mary
McEvoy, Rose
McEvoy, Pascal
McFadden, Mary Bridget
McGann, Daniel
McGettigan, Mary
McGillicuddy, Christina
McGinn, Mary
McGlynn, Mary
McGough, Noel
McGovern, Michael
McGowan, Francis
McGowan, Peter
McGowan, Teresa
McGowan, Una
McGrane, Sean
McGrath, Anne
McGrath, Bridget
McGrath, Ellen
McGrath, Gerard
McGrath, Mary
McGrath, Michael
McGrath, Michael
McGrath, Michael
McGrath, Thomas
McGrath, Thomas Aloysius
McGrath, William
McGuigan, Charles James
McGuiness, Bridget
McGuiness, Cormac
McGuiness, Eileen
McGuiness, James
McGuinness, Agnes
McGuinness, John
McGuire, Francis Gabriel
McGuire, James
McGuire, Mary Philomena
McGuire, Michael James
McGuire, Vincent
McHugh, June Mary
McHugh, Margaret
McInerney, Mary
McKeag, Mary Josephine
McKee, Sheila
McKenitt, Patrick
McKenna, Annie
McKenna, Desmond
McKenna, Ita Mary
McKenna, Jacintha
McKenna, John
McKenna, Mary
McKenna, Mary Margaret
McKenna, Mary Teresa
McKenna, Michael
McKenna, Patrick
McKenna, Patrick Joseph
McKenna, Philip John
McKenna, Rose
McKeogh, Alan
McKeon, John
McKeon, Norah Theresa
McKiernan, Joseph
McKiernan, Paul
McLean, Kate
McLoughlin, Edward
McLoughlin, Eileen
McLoughlin, John
McLoughlin, John
McLoughlin, Joseph
McLoughlin, Kathleen
McLoughlin, Kathleen
McLoughlin, Teresa Anne
McLoughlin, Thomas
McMahon, Dominick
McMahon, Elizabeth
McMahon, Genevieve
McMahon, Kate
McMahon, Noel J.
McMahon, Seamus Patrick
McManus, Annie
McManus, Paul
McManus, Teresa
McMorrow, Karen
McMullen, Teresa
McNab, Vincent
McNally, Thomas Bernard
McNamara, Anne
McNamara, John
McNamara, Mary
McNamara, Mary Carmel
McNamara, Michael Joseph
McNulty, Agnes
McNulty, John Edward
McPartland, Anthony
McQuaid, Margaret Mary
McQuaid, Patricia
McSherry, Elizabeth
McSherry, James Michael
McTaggart, Patrick
McTiernan, Anthony
McTiernan, Eamon
McWeeney, Annie
Meade, Josephine
Meagher, Valerie
Meaney, Mary
Meehan, John Joseph
Melia, Bernard
Melia, Eileen
Mernagh, Robert Thomas
Mernagh, Ronald David
Merrigan, Francis
Merriman, Mary
Merrin, Christopher
Merton, Monica Teresa
Miles, William Joseph
Milligan, Mary
Milner, Kathleen
Mitchell, Christopher
Mitchell, Desmond Joseph
Mitchell, Patrick
Molloy, Kathleen Dolores
Molloy, Laurence
Molloy, Michael
Molloy, Thomas
Molloy, Thomas
Moloney, James
Moloney, Michael
Monaghan, Monica
Mone, John
Mone, Patrick Joseph
Mongey, William
Monks, John
Monnelly, Martina Mary
Mooney, Bernard
Mooney, Bridget
Mooney, Brigid
Mooney, Frederick
Mooney, Kevin
Mooney, Margaret Mary
Mooney, Mary
Mooney, Mary
Mooney, Patrick
Moore, Angela
Moore, Catherine Valerie
Moore, Christina
Moore, Eileen
Moore, Francis Michael
Moore, Kathleen
Moore, Laurence
Moore, Leo
Moore, Margaret
Moore, Mary Christine
Moore, Michael Joseph
Moore, Patrick
Moore, Patrick Joseph
Moore, Patrick Joseph
Moore, Patrick Joseph
Moran, Anthony
Moran, Christina Patricia
Moran, Elizabeth
Moran, John
Moran, Josephine
Moran, Kathleen
Moran, Kathleen
Moran, Mary
Moran, Mary Margaret
Moran, Patrick
Moran, Patrick
Moran, Patrick Hilary
Morgan, Joseph
Morgan, Mathew
Morgan, Michael
Moriarty, Daniel
Moriarty, Kathleen
Moriarty, Philomena
Morris, John
Morris, Michael
Morrison, Michael
Muldowney, Dymphna
Mulhall, John
Mulhall, Kathleen
Mulhall, Mary
Mulhern, John
Mulholland, James
Mullaly, Joseph
Mullaly, Mary
Mullaly, Mary
Mullaly, Patrick
Mullaney, William
Mullarkey, Ann Marie
Mullen, Agnes
Mullen, Anne
Mullen, Eileen
Mullen, Eugene
Mullen, John
Mullen, John
Mullen, Michael
Mullen, Peter
Mullen, William
Mullet, Patricia M.
Mulligan, John
Mulligan, John
Mulligan, Julia
Mulligan, Mary Bridget
Mulligan, Sheila
Mulpeter, Mary
Mulraney, Teresa
Mulreagh, Veronica
Mulvaney, Esther Mary
Mulvey, Brendan
Murphy, Andrew James
Murphy, Anthony
Murphy, Anthony Michael
Murphy, Carmel
Murphy, Carmel
Murphy, Esther
Murphy, Florence
Murphy, Gerald
Murphy, Gerald
Murphy, Gerard
Murphy, James
Murphy, Joan
Murphy, John
Murphy, Joseph
Murphy, Joseph
Murphy, Josephine
Murphy, Kathleen
Murphy, Margaret
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Mary J.
Murphy, Mary Philomena
Murphy, Mary Teresa
Murphy, Maura
Murphy, Michael
Murphy, Oliver
Murphy, Pascal
Murphy, Patricia
Murphy, Patricia
Murphy, Patrick
Murphy, Paul
Murphy, Peter
Murphy, Sarah
Murphy, Teresa
Murray, Brendan Joseph
Murray, Francis J.
Murray, Joseph
Murray, Mary
Murray, Mary Catherine
Murtagh, Anne
Murtagh, James
Murtagh, Janet
Murtagh, John
Murtagh, John
Murtagh, John J.
Musk, Rose


Naan, Mary Teresa
Neary, Teresa
Neill, Terence John
Neill, William
Neland, Ida Maria
Neville, Joseph
Nevin, David
Nevin, Vincent
Newman, Catherine
Nicholson, Patricia
Nihan, John
Niland, Francis
Noble, Lindsay Joseph
Nolan, Annette Marie
Nolan, Denis
Nolan, Denis
Nolan, Elizabeth
Nolan, Joseph
Nolan, Lawrence Michael
Nolan, Marie
Nolan, Mary
Nolan, Mary Catherine
Nolan, Patrick
Nolan, Patrick
Nolan, Patrick Joseph
Nolan, Vincent
Noonan, Bartholomew
Noonan, Margaret Mary
Norton, Christopher
Norton, Joseph
Norton, Mary
Nugent, Bridget
Nugent, Carol Mary
Nugent, Joseph
Nugent, Lily
Nugent, Teresa
Nugent, Winifred Mary


O’Brien, Anthony
O’Brien, Anthony
O’Brien, Carmel Christina
O’Brien, Edward
O’Brien, Elizabeth
O’Brien, Fergus
O’Brien, Fergus
O’Brien, Francis
O’Brien, Francis Joseph
O’Brien, James
O’Brien, James
O’Brien, John
O’Brien, John Patrick
O’Brien, John Vincent
O’Brien, Mary
O’Brien, Mary
O’Brien, Mary Teresa
O’Brien, Morrogh
O’Brien, Olive
O’Brien, Philip
O’Brien, Philomena
O’Brien, Rachella
O’Brien, Veronica Mary
O’Brien, William
O’Callaghan, Christopher
O’Callaghan, Eileen
O’Connell, Andrew
O’Connell, Anthony
O’Connell, Daniel
O’Connell, Denis
O’Connell, Dolores
O’Connell, Joan Victoria
O’Connell, Margaret Mary
O’Connell, Mary Teresa
O’Connell, Maurice
O’Connell, Oliver
O’Connell, Oliver Joseph
O’Connell, Peter
O’Connell, Richard
O’Connell, Thomas
O’Connor, Alexander
O’Connor, Alice
O’Connor, Bridget
O’Connor, Cecilia
O’Connor, Eileen
O’Connor, Geraldine
O’Connor, Joseph
O’Connor, Josephine
O’Connor, Margaret
O’Connor, Mary
O’Connor, Mary Teresa
O’Connor, Philomena
O’Connor, Reginald
O’Connor, Roderick
O’Connor, Sean Patrick
O’Connor, Sylvester
O’Connor, William
O’Dea, Henry
O’Dea, John
O’Doherty, John
O’Donnell, Charles
O’Donnell, Connor
O’Donnell, John
O’Donnell, Joseph
O’Donnell, Mary
O’Donnell, Mary
O’Donnell, Michael J.
O’Donoghue, Vincent
O’Donohue, Michael
O’Dowd, Patricia
O’Dowd, Philip
O’Farrell, Gerard J.
O’Farrell, Joseph
O’Flaherty, Cornelius
O’Flaherty, John Joseph
O’Gorman, Anne
O’Gorman, Josephine
O’Gorman, Thomas Anthony
O’Grady, Joseph
O’Grady, Mary
O’Grady, Mary
O’Halloran, Kevin
O’Hanlon, Christopher James
O’Hara, Antony
O’Hara, Columb
O’Hara, Daniel
O’Hara, Joseph
O’Hara, Kathleen
O’Hara, Nora
O’Hara, Thomas
O’Hara, William
O’Keefe, Patrick Joseph
O’Keefe, Teresa
O’Keeffe, Josephine
O’Kelly, Gerard
O’Kelly, John
O’Leary, Christopher Kevin
O’Leary, Desmond
O’Leary, Eileen
O’Leary, Martin
O’Loughlin, Anthony
O’Loughlin, Edward
O’Loughlin, John
O’Loughlin, Mary
O’Loughlin, Patrick
O’Mahony, Michael
O’Malley, Anthony
O’Malley, Patricia
O’Meara, Anthony Francis
O’Neil, John
O’Neill, Agnes Cecilia
O’Neill, Christopher
O’Neill, Colette
O’Neill, Concepta Christina
O’Neill, John
O’Neill, John Joseph
O’Neill, Joseph
O’Neill, Kathleen
O’Neill, Kevin
O’Neill, Kevin Joseph
O’Neill, Margaret
O’Neill, Mary Teresa
O’Neill, Patricia Mary Bernadette
O’Neill, Peter
O’Neill, Shamus
O’Neill, Thomas
O’Regan, Mary
O’Regan, Maureen
O’Reilly, Annie
O’Reilly, Aoife Ann
O’Reilly, Charles
O’Reilly, Christopher
O’Reilly, Denis
O’Reilly, Edward
O’Reilly, Edward
O’Reilly, Edward
O’Reilly, Elizabeth
O’Reilly, Fergus
O’Reilly, Finola
O’Reilly, John
O’Reilly, John Joseph
O’Reilly, Mary
O’Reilly, Mary E.
O’Reilly, Mary Teresa
O’Reilly, Mary Teresa
O’Reilly, Mathew
O’Reilly, Michael
O’Reilly, Patrick
O’Reilly, Rose
O’Reilly, Thomas
O’Riordan, Daniel
O’Rourke, Anthony
O’Rourke, Doreen
O’Rourke, Elizabeth
O’Rourke, James Joseph
O’Rourke, Kathleen
O’Rourke, Margaret
O’Rourke, Michael J.
O’Rourke, Sylvester
O’Shaughnessy, Denis
O’Shaughnessy, Teresa Mary
O’Shea, Clare
O’Shea, James
O’Shea, Joan Patricia
O’Sullivan, Annie
O’Sullivan, Fergus
O’Sullivan, John
O’Sullivan, Mary Louise
O’Sullivan, Michael
O’Sullivan, Sheila
O’Sullivan-McCarthy, Bernard
O’Toole, Ellen
O’Toole, Frances
O’Toole, Joseph
O’Toole, Mary
O’Toole, Mary
O’Toole, Thomas
Okarele, Rupina Josephine
Ormond, Patrick
Osborne, Desmond
Osborne, Frances


Palmer, Charles
Palmer, Peter John
Parker, Albert
Parkinson, William
Patterson, Alfred
Patterson, Michael
Peggley, Agnes Marie
Peggs, Joseph
Peggs, Thomas
Pender, Margaret Mary
Percival, Mary Anne
Perry, Henry
Phelan, Brendan
Phelan, Eileen
Phelan, Francis
Phelan, James
Phelan, Joseph
Phelan, Josephine
Phelan, Kate
Phelan, Mary Philomena
Philbin, Mary Teresa
Philips, Kevin
Portland, Teresa Mary
Potter, Christopher Mary
Power, Daniel
Power, Elizabeth
Power, Esther
Power, James
Power, James
Power, Kathleen
Preston, Loraine Miriam
Prior, Joan
Purcell, Bridget
Purcell, John
Purcell, William
Purdy, Karen
Puzzan, James Francis
Pyke, James


Quail, Michael
Quaile, John James
Quaile, Teresa
Quigley, Francis
Quigley, Mary
Quigley, Sarah
Quinn, Desmond
Quinn, Eamonn
Quinn, James
Quinn, James Francis
Quinn, Joseph
Quinn, Joseph Patrick
Quinn, Kathleen
Quinn, Margaret
Quinn, Patrick Thomas


Rabbitt, Patricia
Rafferty, Joseph
Rankin, Rita
Raynor, Kathleen
Ready, John
Reddin, Anthony
Reddin, Thomas
Redmond, Annie
Redmond, Muriel Thomasina
Redmond, Patrick
Redmond, Patrick Joseph
Redmond, Thomas
Redmond, Thomas
Redmond, Wendy Margaret
Regan, John
Regan, Joseph
Regan, Thomas
Reid, Florence
Reid, Jean Elizabeth
Reid, Joseph
Reilly, Bridget
Reilly, Claire
Reilly, Desmond
Reilly, Frank
Reilly, Gerard
Reilly, John
Reilly, John Vincent
Reilly, Joseph
Reilly, Joseph
Reilly, Mary
Reilly, Michael
Reilly, Patrick Joseph
Reilly, Rose
Reynolds, Desmond Patrick
Reynolds, Mary
Reynolds, Mary T.
Rice, Mary Teresa
Richards, Desmond Patrick
Rickards, Mary Angela
Roberts, Christopher
Roberts, Patrick
Roche, Anne
Roche, Bernadette
Roche, Brendan
Roche, Charles
Roche, Mary
Roche, Paul
Roche, Valentine
Rochfort, Joseph Brendan
Roddy, Patrick Joseph
Rogan, Mary
Rogers, Joseph
Rogers, Thomas
Ronan, Kathleen
Rooney, Brigid
Rooney, Michael
Rooney, Thomas
Rosett, Michael J.
Rothwell, Celine
Rourke, Mary Christine
Rowan, Annie
Rowan, Veronica
Rowan, Vincent
Rowe, Anne
Rowe, Margaret
Rowe, Mary Hope
Rowley, Andrew
Rumley, Anthony
Russell, Douglas
Russell, Margaret
Russell, Patricia
Russell, Philip
Rutledge, Margaret
Ryan, Andrew
Ryan, Bridget
Ryan, Bridget
Ryan, Clare
Ryan, Elizabeth
Ryan, John
Ryan, John
Ryan, John Joseph
Ryan, John Joseph
Ryan, John Patrick
Ryan, Kathleen
Ryan, Kathleen
Ryan, Laurence
Ryan, Margaret
Ryan, Margaret
Ryan, Margaret Mary
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Mary Bridget
Ryan, Michael
Ryan, Noel
Ryan, Thomas Joseph


Saul, Anne Maria
Savage, Colm J.
Savage, Irene
Savage, Thomas
Scanlon, Terence Raphael
Scott, James
Scully, Anne Marie
Seagrave, Pauline
Segrave, Thomas
Shallow, Patricia
Shanahan, Bridget Carmel
Shanahan, Mary Josephine
Shanahan, Robert Graham
Shanley, Richard
Shanley, Thomas
Shannon, Francis
Shannon, Patrick
Shannon, Thomas
Sharkey, Kathleen
Sharkey, Patrick
Sharkey, Pauline Frances
Shea, Leo
Sheehan, Brian
Sheehan, Stephen
Sheehy, John
Sheeran, Christina Mary
Sheppard, Albert
Sheridan, Annie
Sheridan, Gerald
Sheridan, Joseph
Sheridan, Kathleen
Sheridan, Kevin
Sheridan, Margaret Teresa
Sheridan, Mary Teresa
Sheridan, Nancy
Sheridan, Teresa Mary
Sherry, Francis
Shields, Constance
Shields, Eamon
Shiels, Margaret
Shiels, Patrick
Shinkens, Geraldine Mary
Short, David Eugene
Short, Teresa
Shovlin, Bridget Frances
Shovlin, Patrick
Singon, Maureen Teresa
Skelly, Gerard Michael
Slattery, Catherine
Slattery, Kathleen
Slattery, Mary
Slevin, Joseph
Slevin, Mary Teresa
Slevin, Patricia
Slye, Teresa Martha
Smith, Agnes
Smith, Anne
Smith, David
Smith, Esther
Smith, John
Smith, Josephine
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Mary
Smith, Mary
Smith, Mary Teresa
Smith, Noel
Smith, Patrick
Smith, Patrick
Smith, Teresa
Smith, William
Smullen, Margaret
Smyth, Alice
Smyth, Joseph
Smyth, Margaret

Smyth, Mary
Smyth, Michael
Smyth, Norah
Smyth, Patricia
Smyth, Patricia
Smyth, Paul Michael
Somers, Anne
Somers, Bridget
Somers, Mary
Somerville, Marcella
Stacey, Joseph
Stafford, Elizabeth
Stafford, Marie
Stanley, Desmond
Stanley, Robert
Stapleton, William
Staunton, Esther
Stenson, Frances
Stenson, Mary
Stephens, Frances
Stephens, Veronica
Stewart, Margaret
Stokes, Florence
Stokes, Kathleen
Stone, Thomas Joseph
Stynes, Mary
Sullivan, Frances
Sullivan, Gerald
Sullivan, James Egan
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, Margaret
Sullivan, Mary Agnes
Sullivan, Philomena
Sutton, John J.
Swaine, Emily Jane
Swaine, Sandra Margaret
Sweeney, Bernadette
Sweeney, James
Sweeney, Mary
Sweeney, Mary
Sweeney, Mary Ellen
Sweeney, Maureen
Sweeney, Nora
Switzer, Mary


Taaffe, Ita
Taaffe, Mary
Tachaberry, Mary Teresa
Tallon, Mary Josephine
Tallon, Teresa
Tarker, Christopher
Taylor, Christina
Taylor, Gerald
Taylor, Herbert
Taylor, Josephine
Taylor, William
Teeling, John
Teeling, Margaret Mary
Teighe, Patrick
Tennant, Judith
Thompson, Harold
Thompson, John
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, Mary Jean
Thompson, Walter
Tierney, Gerard J.
Tierney, Joseph
Tierney, Joseph
Tierney, Margaret Mary
Tierney, Mary
Tierney, Patricia Philomena
Timmins, Arthur
Timmins, Patrick
Tobin, David
Tobin, Mary Elizabeth
Tobin, Patrick J.
Tobin, Robert
Toner, Darren
Toner, John
Toole, Mary B.
Tormey, Mary Ellen
Tracey, Margaret
Travers, Eileen
Travers, Mary
Traynor, Geoffrey
Traynor, Louisa
Trott, Frances
Tuck, Anastasia
Tuite, Kevin
Tuite, Mary
Tully, Annie
Tully, Josephine
Tully, Patrick Joseph
Turner, Anthony
Turner, Marie Rose
Tynan, Patrick
Tyndall, Kathleen
Tyrell, Kathleen
Tyrell, Winifred
Tyrrell, Michael


Union, Thomas Joseph


Vaughan, Patrick
Venables, Mary
Verdun, Gerrard
Vesey, Teresa
Vicar, Patrick
Vincent, Mary


Walker, Josephine
Walker, Maria
Walker, Mary Louise
Walker, Patricia Mary
Wall, Mary
Walsh, Anne Philomena
Walsh, Bridget
Walsh, Bridget
Walsh, Christina
Walsh, Edward Joseph
Walsh, Hazel
Walsh, Mary Jane
Walsh, Patrick
Walsh, Patrick
Walsh, Robert Thomas
Walshe, Catherine
Walshe, Gerard
Walshe, Joseph
Walshe, Mary
Walshe, Maureen
Walshe, William
Ward, Anthony
Ward, Francis
Ward, Joseph
Ward, Mary
Ward, Nora
Ward, Winifred
Warren, Carmel
Waters, Angela
Waters, Elizabeth
Waters, Robert
Watson, Bernadette
Webb, William
Weldon, John
West, Angus
Whelan, Anthony
Whelan, Bridget
Whelan, David
Whelan, Esther
Whelan, John
Whelan, Joseph
Whelan, Josephine
Whelan, Mary
Whelan, Mary
Whelan, Mary Shirley
Whelan, Peter
White, Arthur
White, Eileen
White, James
White, John
White, Kathleen
White, May
White, Patrick Joseph
Whitelow, Christina
Whitston, Mary Teresa
Whittle, Margaret
Whitty, Bernadette
Whitty, Joseph
Whyte, Josephine
Whyte, Kathleen
Whyte, Marie Antoinette
Whyte, Thomas
Wilkinson, Michael Joseph
Willett, Mary
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Patrick
Williams, Patrick
Williams, Richard
Williamson, Frances
Wilmot, Kevin
Wilson, Bernadette
Wilson, Esther
Wilson, Gillian Mary
Wisely, Christopher
Woodgate, Irene
Woodroffe, Edward Joseph
Woodroffe, Peter
Woodroofe, Joseph
Woods, Anne Mary
Woods, Breda
Woods, Christopher
Woods, Joseph
Wynne, Sarah


Young, Carmel
Young, Mary
Young, Mary
Young, Nuala Mary

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